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At GoodAcademic, it's easy to order essays, term papers, dissertations, and more.

Simply follow these steps:

  • Fill the Order Form

    Provide all the necessary details about your paper, including the type, number of pages, deadline, and formatting style. Make sure to include any sources or samples you want the writer to use.

  • Make a Deposit

    To pay for your order, create an account on our website and attach your preferred payment method. You'll need to make a deposit that covers the cost of the project. Don't worry, we won't release the funds to the writer until you're satisfied with the work.

  • Track Progress

    Once you make a deposit, the status of your paper will change to 'paid' and a writer will be assigned to your order. You can request drafts and communicate with the writer directly to provide further instructions.

  • Download the Completed Paper

    Your paper will be delivered ahead of schedule, and you can download it in .doc or .pdf format when the status is shown as 'complete.' If you want any changes made, we offer free revisions.

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