Discipline: Psychology

Psychology Week 8 Assignment: Critical Thinking – Therapeutic Interventions PsychologyPsychology Week 8 Assignment: Critical Thinking – Therapeutic Interventions Psychology

The book is ” Psychology, A Concise Introduction, Sixth Edition (New York: Worth Publishers, 20), Richard A. Griggs “ In this chapter, you have read about cognitive therapy, rational-emotive therapy, and Beck’s cognitive therapy. Complete 3-5 that compares and contrasts these three therapies. 1) Student correctly describes the three types of therapy What does the therapy […]

Modelo de Solución de Problemas Vs Terapia Breve Enfocada en la Solución de Problemas en el ámbito de la Terapia FamiliarModelo de Solución de Problemas Vs Terapia Breve Enfocada en la Solución de Problemas en el ámbito de la Terapia Familiar

Comparar y contrastar estos modelos a través de una tabla comparativa que resuma sus características principales, aplicabilidad, teorías subyacentes, y sus ventajas y desventajas. 1- El Modelo de Solución de Problemas.  2.- La Terapia Breve Enfocada en la Solución de Problemas.  La Tabla Comparativa deberá desarrollar los siguientes contenidos desde el punto de vista de […]

Compare and Contrast two historical figures’ perspectives within the same area of psychology.Compare and Contrast two historical figures’ perspectives within the same area of psychology.

Compare and Contrast two historical figures’ perspectives within the same area of psychology. Identify if their perspectives have shaped modern psychology. You should access your textbook to assist with knowledge regarding this assignment. You should provide a history of each historical figure Be sure to compare and contrast their work, and examine how they meet […]

CO 2: Assess theoretical perspectives related to human behavior, including physiological explanations for changes in behavior.CO 2: Assess theoretical perspectives related to human behavior, including physiological explanations for changes in behavior.

  In our reading this week, we learned about the processes of sensation and perception. Although they are two different processes, one often has an impact on the other. Some individuals are not aware of how much they rely on vision or hearing in their everyday lives, versus others who have vision or hearing impairments […]

Coon et al. (2022) mentions the relationship between stress and health and the importance of learning positive measures to ensure our physical and mental well-being.Coon et al. (2022) mentions the relationship between stress and health and the importance of learning positive measures to ensure our physical and mental well-being.

 Coon et al. (2022) mentions the relationship between stress and health and the importance of learning positive measures to ensure our physical and mental well-being. Coon et al. (2022) explain a stressor is a condition or event that challenges or threatens a person. Coon et al. (2022) state that burnout occurs when workers are physically, […]

Psychology Personal Strategies for Multicultural Humility and Orientation AssignmentPsychology Personal Strategies for Multicultural Humility and Orientation Assignment

Please see attached for the reading required for this assignment  which are:   Chatraw, J. D., & Prior, K. S. (2019). Cultural Engagement. HarperCollins Christian. https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9780310534587   Hook, J. N., Davis, D., Owen, J., & DeBlaere, C. (2017). Cultural Humility. American Psychological Association. https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9781433827792  the article that is attached and please incorporate reference Bible versions that you […]

Over the past three weeks, you have been exposed to many concepts, theories, and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application to the concepts.Over the past three weeks, you have been exposed to many concepts, theories, and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application to the concepts.

 Over the past three weeks, you have been exposed to many concepts, theories, and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application to the concepts. This personal application of concepts learned is one of the things that makes psychology such an interesting area of study. Not all courses of study have […]

People have vastly different opinions on the role and responsibility of schools to provide sex education. Teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are real problems facing our adolescent population.People have vastly different opinions on the role and responsibility of schools to provide sex education. Teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are real problems facing our adolescent population.

 ReferencesCoon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2022). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (16th ed.). Cengage Learning. For this week’s main post, answer all of the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post. To what extent should the schools be responsible for teaching sex education?  To what […]

How much does emotional turbulence versus social hostility count as an explanation for teen suicide?How much does emotional turbulence versus social hostility count as an explanation for teen suicide?

  How much does emotional turbulence versus social hostility count as an explanation for teen suicide? Or is it a combination of the two? Also, include content on Wakanda and Rainbow Brite. Drawing upon Kohlberg’s theory of stages of moral development, Gilligan’s theory of caring, and Erikson’s psychosocial stages theory, discuss reasons why an adolescent might turn […]

Read the letters of Christopher Columbus and Hernán Cortés and respond to them using the readings, the text, the lectures, and most importantly, your critical thinking skills and interpretive abilities.Read the letters of Christopher Columbus and Hernán Cortés and respond to them using the readings, the text, the lectures, and most importantly, your critical thinking skills and interpretive abilities.

Read the letters of Christopher Columbus and Hernán Cortés and respond to them using the readings, the text, the lectures, and most importantly, your critical thinking skills and interpretive abilities. Base your analysis on the themes and concepts from the readings and lectures. Provide evidence for any arguments you make with quotes and paraphrases accompanied […]